Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Third Program installment

Feeling good this morning.  Fell in love with my new companion last night.  He is so sweet and loving.  Pets are healing.  It gets me outside my miserable self and gives me something to take care of.  I believe when I am my own worst enemy, I need the break of working on myself.  Today, I will do those errands I didn't do yesterday.  Driving my car is very difficult for me after being locked up and not really knowing the streets.  I am always making wrong turns, getting lost and unsure of seeing out the windshield.  The light is too bright and my third installment of the "cure-for-depression.com" program is about light therapy.  I will get outside today.  I would rather stay in and watch my new friend Mozart, but at least he will have time to do some discovery of the apartment while I am gone.  I will have something to look forward to when I return home.


I believe this journey happened for a reason.  I have seen profound moments in depression where everything starts to be clear even though it is difficult to look at sometimes.

I had a wonderful connection to someone in my past yesterday who happened to message me.  When you need a teacher, they will come, just ask.  I asked and this lady came into my life at a time I was open to hearing what she had to say.  We talked about co-dependency.  I knew something about it already.  She mention her co-dependency and how it happens when you grow up in an abusive home.  She has been receiving therapy for hers.  She is doing mirror therapy and says it has really helped her. 


I have had other times in my life that caused depression but never as bad as this..  I realize I have never been good as a friend.  I never gave 50%.  I wouldn't call and cultivate the friendship, expecting others to call me.  I just didn't feel I had the time, energy or anything to offer. I felt I didn't want to be a bother.  Sometimes friendships don't have to be give and take, they can just be, but you have to do your share of the connecting.

The mind is a powerful thing.  If I don't feed it in a healthy positive manner, the depression grows and grows to where I can't stand it any longer, especially when I have been physically effected by it. 

When you are open to learn, the teacher will come in some form or another, just keep your heart open to it.

Friends are a lifeline to overcoming depression.

My dear friend gave me so much advice in a caring but truthful way.  I will never forget her for this and will soon do my part to continue our friendship.  She told me, "I will not call you, you will have to call me next".  What courage and strength she has to open up to me in this way.  We do have a lot in common, and I want to continue to cultivate this new/old friendship.

Today, I am encouraged.  I will also get a calender so I can see the days passing so I won't be so inclined to let the days pass into months before I realize what month or year it is.   This blog is a measurement of my journey out of the overpowering depression I have felt for the past seven months.  Where has that time gone?  My daughter told me to get a calender about a month ago.  It made sense but did I do it?  She was my teacher that day, and I didn't even realize the profound message she was giving me.

It is 25 minutes past noon, I should get my day started.  I can not forget to get my light therapy and try out my new mirror therapy.  Maybe I should get the calender first and make note of this.  I wouldn't want to forget to do the things that will help me heal.  If you are reading this, because you are in this same boat in one way or another, I applaud you for helping yourself.  The very thing you are doing now, is what I did in the beginning and took action with profound results.  We can't rely on the medical profession to give us chemicals to make sure our brain functions.  I know it is a good jump start for some, but for me, it may have led to my depression for years.  I am down to only 1/4 dose of my Zoloff.  I will be through with it soon.  I have been taking it for at least 15 years, maybe longer.  I am happy I may have a second chance at a normal life, once these health issues are overcome.  You too may see yourself in the throws of depression.  Who do we trust?  Homeopathic suggestions won't kill you, at least I don't think they will.  I did do more research on suggestions I received about what I will be putting in my body.  I didn't go into it completely blind.  I suggest you do the same.  It was a renewal of hope for me.  I hope it helps you too.

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