Saturday, April 13, 2013

one way around this person and one way around this person and so on

Do you find in your life you have to act one way around "grandma" and one way around this Jewish friend, and one way around your gay friend and another way around your neighbor and one way around male straight friend?

and so on

Why is this so?  Is this so for everyone?  Could depression be measured by the many ways we have had to change and lost who we were? 

btw, this is not MY list.  I have actually a small focused list. 

The persons on my small list is not to blame.  I didn't have the belief ( or knowledge ), I had the power to do anything about it. 

I did not decide to change my life so drastically.  I was just going along with a force larger than myself.
I think if we loose ourselves so deeply and that wee bit of hope we have inside ourselves will find a way to slap you down, make you think your way out of it...emerge the best version of yourself you can imagine.
I hope so.

stay calm and carry on

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