Wednesday, April 3, 2013

What Not to Say to a N A K E D Lady

I slept most of the day away after visiting the holistic "doctor".  I need to go there tomorrow, because I left without her knowing.  Told her I was going outside but once I got in my car, I had a terrible uncontrollable urge to be in my bed.  I need to strip off the "dressed up" clothes and lay down.  Of course it was noon by now and I hadn't had one bite to eat since my visit was to have blood drawn.  Fasting, appointment was at 9a.m. 

A lot of people would have been weak by then, but an overwhelming feeling of pain in my chest, upper arms and stomach had me running for cover.  She talks and talks and talks....why do people think they have to talk so much.  How can one mind in my condition process all this information?  I was overwhelmed, exhausted and way too emotional.  Feeling raw, void and naked.  So this is why I am wanting to make a list of things to NOT SAY to a depressed lady such as myself.
  • What is wrong?

    • Just be happy

      • You should have (fill in the blank)

        • You could have  (how does anyone know what I could have done)   

        • "God" died on the cross for you??

          well I didn't ask "God" to die, anyway wasn't that Jesus Christ? 
          • Here is a list of sins, circle the ones you have had in your life.

            • Can I pray for you to have Jesus blood wash over you?

            this list typed in small print front and back included such things as masturbating and not honoring your mother or father.
            now just say for the sake of what if, What if I had been masturbating while dishonoring my mother and father?   Not that I have ever done either of those....

            Also on the list:
            have you ever lied?


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